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6:30am I give up. I have been trying to force you out of my head for so long and I just can't make you go away.

This morning, I stopped at Sunoco before picking up my papers. A guy pulled in at the same time. Of course he looked like you, he even wore glasses and they looked like yours. For once, I didn't let it upset me, I walked in there and stood next to him and checked him out. I was ready to flirt with him too. But of course, just like you, he didn't even look my way.

And after the long ride and talks with Blaine, I've decided that it's time to forgive you and learn to accept that you will always be there. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of you. I will always feel you and there is nothing I can do about it. Hell, I have a swollen eye now too so I'm really out of commission at the moment. And definitely being forced to think about you.

"Maps" Maroon 5


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